My trip to the humane center

Today, my friend and I went to the Humane Services animal shelter in St. John’s, NL.  There is a dog room, a room for female cats, a room for kittens only and two rooms for male cats.  We went into all  of the cat rooms several times each and we took a quick look in the dog room but we didn’t stay in the dog room for long because all of the dogs wouldn’t stop barking.  However, in  the kitten room , there was an orange tabby and white kitten that held onto me whenever I picked it up.  I put my arms out by my sides and I stood up completely straight and it stayed on me.  It was adorable!  When I got home, my cats were smelling me to death because I spent an hour and a half with a bunch of strange cats.  It was fun. Also, when we were leaving, we took another quick look in the kitten room and five kittens were lying in a clump on the cat bed.


Red (another color post)

This post shall be about the color red.  Red is not my favorite color (as my favorite colors are purple, black and silver)  however I do like it.  It’s a very bright color most of the time.  It’s the first color of the rainbow and it’s just plain awesome so here we go to the land of red things:

Several shades of red in one square with several squares of red in the big square.(How many times can you say that sentence fast?)

A red apple. (I prefer yellow apples but red one are good too.)

Cupcakes with red icing.

Po!  The youngest and smallest out of all the teletubbies (teletubbies creep me out).

Red roses.

Elmo! Another kids show character, this one doesn’t creep me out☻.

Red velvet cupcakes.  The best cupcakes ever created in cupcake land and all of the universe EVER!!!!!!

Red shoes. (Recognize them?  hint, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.)

Red glitter, because everyone loves glitter.





Anyone who really knows me, knows that I am obsessed with owls.  Owls are my favorite animal and I have all kinds of owl themed stuff.  I have 2 owl necklaces, an owl purse, an owl book bag(the book bag and the purse are the exact same pattern).  I also have owl pyjamas, owl lip gloss, owl hand cream bottles and an owl hand sanitizer case.  I probably have a bunch of other owl stuff but it’s almost impossible to keep track  when your a crazy owl-themed-stuff collector.  Here, random owl pictures:


The chalk man

There is a man who I believe lives in England who draws on the streets with chalk.  His drawings are no ordinary chalk drawings, he is an amazing artist.  He draws 3D scenes and they look so realistic that if he draws a hole, people walk around it because they believe that it’s real. They call him the chalk man.  Here is some of his work:

All of those pictures were drawn by the chalk man.  He’s pretty good.  Anyone who can do that is possibly not human so it’s possible that alien walk among us.


Ralph Wiggum quotes (again)

I’m Idaho!

I bent my Wookie.

Me fail English? That’s unpossible.

The doctor said I wouldn’t have so many nosebleeds if I kept my finger outta there.

Wheeeeee…..ow, I bit my tongue.

I found a moon rock in my nose.

My cat’s name is Mittens!

Slow down Bart! My legs don’t know how to be as fast as yours.

This snowflake tastes like fish  sticks!

My cat’s breath smells like cat food.

Hi principal Skinner! Hi Super Nintendo Chalmers.

I want a bike and a monkey and a friend for the monkey.

Lisa’s bad dancing makes my feet sad.

That’s where I saw the Leprechaun, he tells me to burn things.




Jaken (My favorite character on Inuyasha)

◄▬This is Jaken!

Jaken is basically the slave of Sesshomaru, who is older brother to the great half-demon Inuyasha.  He is very loyal but sometimes a few of his other, not-so-positive thoughts slips out of his mouth, Sesshomaru doesn’t usually mind or pay any attention to these things  as he knows that Jaken is loyal.  Jaken always makes a big deal out of apologizing and saying that he didn’t mean for it to come out how it did and he freaks out because he knows well what his master is capable of.  I’m only on episode 35 so I don’t have any good Jaken quotes, also he’s not one of the main characters so I don’t see much of him.  I don’t have any more to say about Jaken so…I LOVE JAKEN!!!!!


Draw a stickman




I believe that last year, a post was posted (that sounds weird) about this website.  I think my uncle posted it because he was helping me with my blog.  When I checked it out, I loved it!  It`s really fun and they had only one game.  Now, they have another game and apparently they created an app which I am looking for on the App store as I type.

CHECK IT OUT!!!!! I COMMAND YOU, MY SLAVES (just kidding! But you can be my slave if you want to:) ) TO CLICK THE LINK!!!!!! WHY AM I TYPING IN CAPS? I THINK I SHOULD STOP NOW! Ok, I stopped :).



Halloween is in two days.  Comment and tell me what you people are being.  I am being Sonya Blade from my favorite game, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.   I love Halloween.  Oh, and here’s a list of Halloween movies that you can watch (not horror movies, Halloween movies) :

-The nightmare before Christmas

-Tower of Terror

-Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the were-rabbit(I don’t think I’ve seen this one, if I did, I don’t really remeber it)


Loui: my cat (well, one of them)

My picture thingy isn’t working right now so I’ll describe the picture and post it when the thing works.  Sorry though. 😦

It’s Loui, my tabby and white, two-year old cat lying in his cat bed.  His whole body is in it except for his head, which is on the floor.  He’s out cold sleeping and doesn’t notice that his head is 2 inches lower than the rest of him.

Also, both of my cats sleep in weird positions sometimes.  Blacky sleeps on my kitchen chairs and there are holes in the backs of them.  There are just like sticks or whatever but you people should know what i mean.  The cat sleeps on his back, on one of those chairs with a foot stuck out through one of the spaces on the back of the chair.
