new blog

OK guys, it’s been about 6 months since I last posted on this blog.  I wanted to continue blogging but not completely random things like this blog was about.  I have a new blog now, it’s about the things that I’m interested in such as hair, nails, makeup, style, food and photography.  If any of you are interested in that then please check it out.


Copy and paste this into your search bar and you shoukd find my newblog.  Thanks guys


Rubik’s cubes

rubiks cube
This is a Rubik’s cube.  This is what they look like when you buy them.
rubiks cube 2
This is kinda what my Rubik’s cube looks like.  I got a Rubik’s cube for Christmas and it looks kind of like the one in the picture, messed up, not to mention it will be like that forever.  I can not do a Rubik’s cube, not even if my life depended on it.  My friend however can do one in less than two minutes no matter how badly its messed up.  I don’t have much more to say but I wanted to posty because it’s been over ten days since my last post.  Also, I changed the theme and made it non-christmas-y, what do you think about the new theme?


The band of seven part five

The band of seven part five: Mukotsu!


This is Mukotsu.  He is assumed to be the oldest in the band of seven at 70 to 80 years old chronologically.  His name means misty/foggy skill, which refers to his use of poison.   Poison is his weapon, he is the poison master, he paralyzed Kagome (and Miroku and Sango) and he wanted to marry kagome, which he apparently did to a lot of women.  If a woman refuses to marry him, he assumed it was because he was so ugly and tried to kill her, which he did to Kagome.  Kagome is still paralyzed and she’s just lying there, being strangled and screaming in her mind “INUYASHA” and then you see Mukotsu fall (and stop strangling Kagome) and in through the door walks…Sesshomaru.  Sesshomaru’s poison doesn’t kill Mukotsu though, because Mukotsu also uses poison and he tries to use a giant thing of poison made specially for demons to kill Sesshomaru but that doesn’t end well  because Mukotsu dies.  The tattoos on Mukotsu’s face mean poison.



The band of seven part four

The band of seven part four: Kyokotsu.


Kyokotsu’s name means Dark/evil skill.  The tattoos below his eyes mean power, due to his extreme size.  Kyokotsu is unbelievably tall,  inhumanly tall.  I think that Bankotsu is tall but if Bankotsu stood next to Kyokotsu, he would be just past his ankle.  Kyokotsu was the first to die, as it proves that great size does not mean great intelligence.  He was killed by Koga, the wolf demon.  Kyokotsu, unlike the rest of the band of seven, had his jewel shard in his forehead(the others had them in their necks)  Kyokotsu eats people, making him a cannibal but he also eats demons.  His weapon was a spikeless flail that was about the size of an adult human.   His abnormal size was due to the fact that he ate yokai (demons) it also made him more powerful.




That’s kind of all I wanted to say.:)  Happy 2013 everyone!  Do you have any new years resolutions?  If you do, I hope you succeed  with them.



click the link for a fireworks video of awesomeness.  Happy new year everyone!



The Band of seven part three

The band of seven part three: Jakotsu!


This is Jakotsu.  He is third in command in the band of seven and is one of the most powerful.  He is the only member of the band of seven that Bankotsu (the leader) really trust and he was the only one who was entirely loyal to Bankotsu.  He is 21 biologically but 31 chronologically.  The tattoos on Jakotsu’s face mean death but to relate to him more, they are there for their resemblance to snake fangs.  The name Jakotsu means snake skill which makes sense because of his weapon.  His sword looks like a normal sword but it’s not, it’s called the Jakotsuto, named after Jakotsu.  The sword is a chain sword, it is made of several blades all held together.  It can wrap around opponents and if Jakotsu were to simply tug on the sword, the opponent would be diced into a million bajillion pieces.

inuyasha tangled in jakotsutoThis is Inuyasha wrapped in Jakotsuto.

As you know, Renkotsu wanted to become leader and when Jakotsu was badly injured, Renkotsu took his jewel shard which killed him and then, Renkotsu was killed by Bankotsu.

Jakotsu quotes:

“So if Kyokotsu and Mukotsu are dead, that’s seven minus two, so that means there are only four of us left.”

“That was too close…killed by his brother on my way to kill Inuyasha? I could never forgive myself if that happened.”


Merry Christmas

Yo poeple!  I couldn’t post yesterday due to busy-ness.  Well,  I was playing with my new iPad all day.  🙂  You people don’t realize how addictive the iPad is.  I tried to post with the iPad but it wasn’t very good for posting because of the screen layout and stuff.  Anyway, I’m posting now so that’s all that matters.  I’m just posting to say Merry Christmas  because I’m going to Heart’s Delight today, most likely for the night and I won’t be posting there so you know, better now than never.  So, Merry Christmas and happy boxing day (I know people don’t say ‘happy boxing day’ but I do so deal with it.)   Well I don’t have anything else to say but I’ll let you know about the next band of seven post, it’s going to be about Jakotsu.



The band of seven part two and the apocalypse that didn’t happen!

The band of seven part two:  Renkotsu!

First, I’d like to say,  WOOHOO, we didn’t die!  Well, when the world was suposed to end, I was doing yoga with my friend, somy yoga remained peaceful and explosion/death free.  Now, let’s get to Renkotsu from the band of seven.


This is Renkotsu, he wants to be the leader of the band of seven but would never say it out loud as he would lose his head for the second time if he did *ahem ahem* Bankotsu.   Renkotsu was once a monk and he has tattoos on his face which apparently stand for deception (or so I read somewhere)  he is twenty-four years old and he is second in command of the band of seven.  He has a weapon/ability like the other members and his is steel wires and fire.  He would tie up a victim/opponent with these wires and then take a drink from that gourd that’s on his shoulder in the picture and this gives him the ability to blow fire.  He blows fire onto the wires and they catch on fire so he could easily burn someone to death.  The name Renkotsu means “Metal skill” which makes sense due to the metal wires that are his weapon.  He also uses several explosives and firearms.

Here are a few Renkotsu quotes:

He didn’t take the time to kill me hm? I’m insulted.

What a pity, I was hoping to blow your legs off.

If you can’t sto[p the flow of nonsense from your mouth Jakotsu, I’ll cut your tongue off!


The Apocalypse!

Okay, first off, I forgot to say something about Bankotsu in my last post, the band of seven have one jewel shard each but Bankotsu had more than one.  Bankotsu, being the leader, got the shards of the members that died for their second time, he has three shards in his neck.  Also, Renkotsu stole Kagome’s shards and Bankotsu took them from Renkotsu and put them in his Banryu.

Now, back to the theme: the Apocalypse!  The worls is supposed to end tomorrow so yay, we’re all gonna die.  I’m kidding, I don’t believe that the world will end tomorrow.  Don’t worry, the cause of your death will not be an Apocalypse.  I’M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!  Sorry, I always wanted to do that.  So, the reason people think the world is gonna end tomorrow is because tomorrow is when the Mayan calendar  ends.  However, I, personally could not rely on the Mayan calendar but do what you want I cant stop you.

penguins  ¶portiasplace¶

The band of seven part one

First, I have an excuse for not posting in six days, I was sick, really sick.  This post is about the band of seven from Inuyasha.  These people are a group of wonderful humans that are nice and wonderful.  They killed for fun.  Each of them has a weapon/power/ability but first, I’ll introduce them.  Bankotsu is the leader,  then there’s Renkotsu, Ginkotsu, Suikotsu, Mukotsu, Jakotsu and Kyokotsu.  I’m sure you noticed all of their names end in the sound “kotsu” (cote-soo), that translates to “skill”.  The band of seven had no preference for who they killed, it was completely random however they did go after the people that bothered them first.  The band of seven were eventually caught and beheaded.  They were brought back to life by Naraku with the help of one sacred jewel shard each.   Also, this post will be in  seven parts, one post per member of the group.  Enjoy!

Let’s start with the leader: Bankotsu!

bankotsu   banryu

I have two pictures of Bankotsu. The second one is just to show you Banryu, his weapon, and how big it is.  When he went back to the palace to retrieve it (the palace people that cut off his head took it) he picked it up without trouble with one hand while the guards murmur to eachother: “it took three of our strongest men just to drag it in here and he can lift it in one hand without trouble.”  Bankotsu then killed them!   Bankotsu is the leader even though he is the youngest of the group at only seventeen years old.  His name translates to “Barbaric/Brute Skill.”  There isn’t much more to say about Bankotsu so I shall leave now, but look forward to more of the band of seven!
