The band of seven part five

The band of seven part five: Mukotsu!


This is Mukotsu.  He is assumed to be the oldest in the band of seven at 70 to 80 years old chronologically.  His name means misty/foggy skill, which refers to his use of poison.   Poison is his weapon, he is the poison master, he paralyzed Kagome (and Miroku and Sango) and he wanted to marry kagome, which he apparently did to a lot of women.  If a woman refuses to marry him, he assumed it was because he was so ugly and tried to kill her, which he did to Kagome.  Kagome is still paralyzed and she’s just lying there, being strangled and screaming in her mind “INUYASHA” and then you see Mukotsu fall (and stop strangling Kagome) and in through the door walks…Sesshomaru.  Sesshomaru’s poison doesn’t kill Mukotsu though, because Mukotsu also uses poison and he tries to use a giant thing of poison made specially for demons to kill Sesshomaru but that doesn’t end well  because Mukotsu dies.  The tattoos on Mukotsu’s face mean poison.



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