Phobias (part 2)

Here we go, more phobias yaaaaay.  I think this one will be only weird phobias because I covered the common ones in my post: Phobias (part one).  Actually, I’ll add some philias too.  For those of you who don’t know a philia is an obsessive love for something.

More odd phobias:

Chromophobia→ A fear of  bright colors.

Decidophobia→ A fear of  making decisions.

Heliophobia→ A fear of sunlight (vampires walk among us).

Hypnophobia→ A fear of sleeping.

Oikophobia→ A fear of home surroundings and household appliances.


Ailurophilia→ A love of cats.

Arctophilia→ A love of teddy bears.

Achluophilia→ A love of darkness

Japanophilia→ A love for Japan.


:  aLove of cats

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