Phobias (part one)

This is a post about phobias.  If any of you don’t know, a phobia is a fear of something or someone.   There will be two lists, one list of common phobias and one list of some phobias I find very odd and different.  Here we go, to Phobialand.

Common phobias:

  • Arachnophobia→a fear of arachnids (spiders, scorpions,e.t.c. also, one of my friends is arachnophobic).

  • Acrophobia→ a fear of heights.

  • Claustrophobia→ a fear of crowded or closed in spaces(a friend of mine has it , not the one with arachnophobia though).

  • Coulrophobia → a fear of clowns (And once again, I have a freidn with this phobia).

  • Necrophobia→ a fear of death or dead things.

Odd phobias:

  • Technophobia→ a fear of technology.

  • Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia→ a fear of the number 666.

  • Novercaphobia→ a fear of one’s step-mother

  • Phobophobia→ a fear of phobias.

  • Plutophobia→ a fear of wealth.

  • Pteronophobia→ fear of being tickled by feathers.

This last phobia is the best but most ironic phobia  EVER.  Ready?  Here goes:

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is a fear of long words.






4 thoughts on “Phobias (part one)

  1. Hey hey hey people of the known universe, more Ablutophobia: Fear of washing or bathing
    Aerophobia: Fear of swallowing air
    Ambulophobia: Fear of walking
    Anablephobia: Fear of looking up
    Anemophobia: Fear of wind
    Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
    Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.
    Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
    Aulophobia: Fear of flutes
    Auroraphobia: Fear of Northern Lights wierd phobias!!!

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