Red (another color post)

This post shall be about the color red.  Red is not my favorite color (as my favorite colors are purple, black and silver)  however I do like it.  It’s a very bright color most of the time.  It’s the first color of the rainbow and it’s just plain awesome so here we go to the land of red things:

Several shades of red in one square with several squares of red in the big square.(How many times can you say that sentence fast?)

A red apple. (I prefer yellow apples but red one are good too.)

Cupcakes with red icing.

Po!  The youngest and smallest out of all the teletubbies (teletubbies creep me out).

Red roses.

Elmo! Another kids show character, this one doesn’t creep me out☻.

Red velvet cupcakes.  The best cupcakes ever created in cupcake land and all of the universe EVER!!!!!!

Red shoes. (Recognize them?  hint, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.)

Red glitter, because everyone loves glitter.




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