Jaken (My favorite character on Inuyasha)

◄▬This is Jaken!

Jaken is basically the slave of Sesshomaru, who is older brother to the great half-demon Inuyasha.  He is very loyal but sometimes a few of his other, not-so-positive thoughts slips out of his mouth, Sesshomaru doesn’t usually mind or pay any attention to these things  as he knows that Jaken is loyal.  Jaken always makes a big deal out of apologizing and saying that he didn’t mean for it to come out how it did and he freaks out because he knows well what his master is capable of.  I’m only on episode 35 so I don’t have any good Jaken quotes, also he’s not one of the main characters so I don’t see much of him.  I don’t have any more to say about Jaken so…I LOVE JAKEN!!!!!


One thought on “Jaken (My favorite character on Inuyasha)

  1. In Japanese Shinto and Buddhist tradition, Jaken is kappa, a water demon that is half frog, half turtle. They are said to inhabit rivers and to pull people in to suck their blood. But apparently they are very polite.

    Jaken is over 3000 years old, and once commanded an army of kappa in the underworld, if you can believe that. I think one of the episodes tells the story of how he decided to be the servant of sesshomaru.

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