Draw a stickman




I believe that last year, a post was posted (that sounds weird) about this website.  I think my uncle posted it because he was helping me with my blog.  When I checked it out, I loved it!  It`s really fun and they had only one game.  Now, they have another game and apparently they created an app which I am looking for on the App store as I type.

CHECK IT OUT!!!!! I COMMAND YOU, MY SLAVES (just kidding! But you can be my slave if you want to:) ) TO CLICK THE LINK!!!!!! WHY AM I TYPING IN CAPS? I THINK I SHOULD STOP NOW! Ok, I stopped :).



Halloween is in two days.  Comment and tell me what you people are being.  I am being Sonya Blade from my favorite game, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.   I love Halloween.  Oh, and here’s a list of Halloween movies that you can watch (not horror movies, Halloween movies) :

-The nightmare before Christmas

-Tower of Terror

-Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the were-rabbit(I don’t think I’ve seen this one, if I did, I don’t really remeber it)


Loui: my cat (well, one of them)

My picture thingy isn’t working right now so I’ll describe the picture and post it when the thing works.  Sorry though. 😦

It’s Loui, my tabby and white, two-year old cat lying in his cat bed.  His whole body is in it except for his head, which is on the floor.  He’s out cold sleeping and doesn’t notice that his head is 2 inches lower than the rest of him.

Also, both of my cats sleep in weird positions sometimes.  Blacky sleeps on my kitchen chairs and there are holes in the backs of them.  There are just like sticks or whatever but you people should know what i mean.  The cat sleeps on his back, on one of those chairs with a foot stuck out through one of the spaces on the back of the chair.


Pumpkin carving ideas and templates

Halloween is almost here so a lot of people will be carving pumpkins.  I am.  I’m carving 3 so I’ll give you people some ideas.

It’s the joker from Batman.  You cut out and remove the black(or grey, )depending what template you use) part of the template.

Oogie Boogie (from the nightmare before christmas)

Freddy Kreuger from nightmare on Elm street. (This one is complicated so uh… try it if you dare)



I recently started watching a series of Japanese cartoons(yes, I’m a nerd) and it’s called Inuyasha.  It’s really good. It’s given an eight on IMDB.  I agree with that rating do it gets a Portiaspalce8 from me.  Also it’s about a teenage girl named Kagome who travels back in time to feudal Japan.  By the way she gets there by falling down a well.  Nice way to travel huh?


↕click the link for episode one of Inuyasha.♥


Here comes the boom: review

A high-school biology teacher finds out that all extra-curricular activities will be cancelled due to budget problems.  He decides to try to be a succesful mixed martial-arts fighter to make money to pay off the debt.

Director: Frank Coraci

Writing credits: Kevin James, Alan Loeb and Rock Reuben

Starring: Kevin James as Scott Voss, Salma Hayek as Bella Flores, Henry Winkler as Marty Streb and Bas Rutton as Niko.



◄▬Several shades of blue.

◄▬A blue whale.

◄▬Blue tea.

◄▬Blue shoes.

◄▬A blue rose.

◄▬Cupcakes with blue icing.




◄▬Just plain orange.

◄▬An orange (the fruit)

◄▬Cupcakes with orange icing.

◄▬ An orange flower of some sort. (I’m not good with plants so don’t judge me)


◄▬Orange juice(yum).

◄▬Orange converse shoes of awesomness.(converse ar the best shoes ever and I actually have a pair but they’re black. Perhaps I shall post a picture of them if you wanna see them but they’re just shoes)

◄▬The Lorax is orange so he has every right to be in this post.

◄▬Halloween is in fourteen days so…an orange pumpkin
