The Great Book of Nerdoranomy, Chapter the second: The land before Nerds


Nerds changed the universe. Before nerds, everyone was the same and everyone thought and acted the same.

One day, a child was born, nothing unusual, even in the land before nerds.  This woman named her child…Dorkus!  Since she felt his first kick, she had a strange feeling inside of her-which could have possibly been nausea-that her first(and most likely only) child would be different. Nothing unusual, even in the land before nerds.  She had mentioned to many doctors about this feeling inside of her and all doctors that she told, had said that she was delusional.  She could not get what the doctors were saying into her head, she still had the feeling that her son would be different.

The day comes when the child is born and his mother is amazed, she was right. Her son is different from all others.  She can’t quite put her finger on it but he is different and as he gets older, it becomes more obvious, her son: Dorkus thinks and acts and even looks different then everyone else. On his birthday and on Christmas, Dorkus always wanted pocket protectors, bow ties, suspenders and things like that whereas others his age wanted soccer balls or the newest cell phone. We were homo sapiens but Dorkus was his own person and also his own species…homo nerdians. His species and also the species of those to come.  Homo nerdians are what we often refer to as nerds.  Dorkus was your classic computer nerd and he loved being different, he was confident (well, about as confident as a nerd gets) and he inspired other to be different, some for the better, some for the worst.


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