Review: Klondike Jake’s

Recently, I went to Klondike Jakes sooooooo, I shall tell you whether or not you should go there.

First of all, I recommend it, it was good.  I got a chicken club sandwich with homefries and gravy.  The homrfries were really good and the gravy was the best gravy I have ever tasted in my life.  The club sandwich was really good but on one of the pieces(it was cut in half) the chicken was really dry and  I ended up taking that piece off but in general it was still really good.I give it a seven out of ten. And also, they have really good onion rings too so try those.


Stuff to do when you’re bored

Here is a list of 15 things you could do if you’re bored.

1. Go for a walk in the park (or on a trail, around a pond, e.t.c.)

2. Go swimming

3. Run a marathon

4.Go to a movie with your friends

5. Read the book “gone” and love Drake Merwin (he’s a character in the book)

6.Read some other book  that isn’t “gone” but be warned, I’ll be sad that you didn’t read “gone”

7. Go to Menchie’s and get lotsa frozen yogurt (Mmmm… frozen yogurt! I suggest you try the red velvet flavor)

8. Go to Sugar Mama’s and get some cupcakes/a cupcake (I suggest the red velvet flavor…again)

9.Watch a movie at home with or without friends (It’s fun to get a bunch of movies out and pick with you eyes closed

10. Make a baking soda and vinegar volcano (they are AWESOME!!!)

11. Do some yoga

12.Go to the/a gym and run on a treadmill for 2 hours (or you could do some other stuff too besides treadmilling)

13.Create a random drink by mixing like lemonade and orange crush together or something(by the way lemonade and orange juice together tastes like slushie and also another good mixture is carbonated lemonade, cream soda and blue kool-aid)

14. Do a personality quiz to find out what color/pattern/whatever else you are (I’m green)




The big bang theory and Sheldon Cooper

I don’t know about you but I love the show “the big bang theory” and I also like Dr. Sheldon Cooper, the smartest but also nerdiest character on the show.  Here’s a list of some of his best quotes. ☺☻☺☻

1. Sheldon:  I’m not crazy, My mother had me checked.

2. Sheldon: At my age, do you know how I’m statistically most likely to die? 

Leonard: At the hands of your room mate?

Sheldon: An accident     

Leonard: That’s how I’ll make it look.


3. Sheldon: I made tea.

Leonard:I don’t want tea.

Sheldon: I didn’t make tea for you, this is my tea.

Leonard: Then why did you tell me?

Sheldon: It’s a conversation starter.

Leonard: That’s a lousy conversation starter.

Sheldon: Oh, is it?  We’re conversing. Checkmate.

Sheldon: Do you want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?

Leonard: Not  really.

Sheldon: If the height of a step is off by as little as 2 millimeters most people will trip.

Leonard: I don’t care. Wait, 2 millimeters? That doesn’t sound right.

Sheldon: It’s true. I did a series of tests when I was 12.  My father broke his clavicle.

Now, last but not least, the best and most famous Sheldon Cooper quote:




Today, I’m, going to see Diary of a wimpy kid, dog days so when I get back I’ll hopefully do a review.

Also, I’m hardly getting any views now!!!!!  I certainly hope you have a good reason for this. Although it is summer so I guess I forgive you guys…for now.  This is kind of just a note.  A few things I want you to know.  And for God’s sake people, if you want something up here, tell me!!!! I might set up an email for Portiasplace and I’ll post it so you can email me with suggestions or whatever you want to tell me but don’t want to post as a comment.


Back from Fogo Island

Hey peopleses!

What do you think about the new theme? 🙂

I’m back from Fogo Island, just got back today actually,about an hour and a half ago maybe?! I’m not sure but yeah, I’m back.  I want to let you know  that I’ll be posting other stuff too, along with “the great book of Nerdoranomy.”  Like this post.  It’s going to be a proper ‘review'(I guess) of Fogo Island, why you should go there and some great things and places to check out.

First off: you should go on the first weekend of August because that’s usually when they have the “Ethridge’s point seaside fest”, there’s great stuff for kids and they have a kitchen where you can get great food, there are also draws for baskets of stuff.

You should also check out Nicole’s cafe.  Great little place to have breakfast as well.  It’s not”cheap”but it’s not really expensive but it’s worth every penny either way.  Also, try Growlers ice cream.  Home made ice cream, creamy, rich, delicious.  My favorite flavors are chocolate and caramel.  Vanilla is good too and those are all I’ve tried so far.

Well, that’s all I have to say right now, I’ll let you know anything else that I think of about Fogo Island.


The Great Book of Nerdoranomy, Chapter the second: The land before Nerds


Nerds changed the universe. Before nerds, everyone was the same and everyone thought and acted the same.

One day, a child was born, nothing unusual, even in the land before nerds.  This woman named her child…Dorkus!  Since she felt his first kick, she had a strange feeling inside of her-which could have possibly been nausea-that her first(and most likely only) child would be different. Nothing unusual, even in the land before nerds.  She had mentioned to many doctors about this feeling inside of her and all doctors that she told, had said that she was delusional.  She could not get what the doctors were saying into her head, she still had the feeling that her son would be different.

The day comes when the child is born and his mother is amazed, she was right. Her son is different from all others.  She can’t quite put her finger on it but he is different and as he gets older, it becomes more obvious, her son: Dorkus thinks and acts and even looks different then everyone else. On his birthday and on Christmas, Dorkus always wanted pocket protectors, bow ties, suspenders and things like that whereas others his age wanted soccer balls or the newest cell phone. We were homo sapiens but Dorkus was his own person and also his own species…homo nerdians. His species and also the species of those to come.  Homo nerdians are what we often refer to as nerds.  Dorkus was your classic computer nerd and he loved being different, he was confident (well, about as confident as a nerd gets) and he inspired other to be different, some for the better, some for the worst.


The Great Book of Nerdoranomy

This is a story that I will be telling over many posts.  It is all about nerds, how to be a nerd and other nerd-related things.  Also, please forgive my non-postfulness as I am currently on Fogo Island and I am busy with family and friends.  Did I ever mention that Fogo Island is a great place to visit. A new 5-star hotel is being built but there’s a bed and breakfast as well.  Anyway… back to the great book of Nerdoranomy!

First off…Chapter the first: different types of nerds.

Computer Nerd: what most people would think of when they think nerd.  Big square glasses, bow ties, suspenders, pocket protectors, braces (not always) and such things.

TADA!!!!! It’s a computer nerd.

There’s also, a gamer nerd: someone who is addicted to video games or just plays any type of game all the time, music nerd: a person who knows a lot about music and musical things (genres, composers, artists, e.t.c.)
