I have nothing to post about so let’s just go with what the title says: RANDOMNESS!!!!!!

I like marmosets and kittens and pudding and dragons.  OH,saying, well typing actually but whatever. Typing about dragons made me think of personality quiz that I did once.  It’s which dragon are you.  I am the undead dragon (zombie dragon)  I am the most powerful of all dragons and it says that I mostly sleep but when I’m awake the world crumbles before me.  The world doesn’t actually crumble before me though.  That would be extremely cool.

◄▬this is an undead dragon!  Wow, this post went from randomness to dragons pretty quickly.  The title should have been dragons.  Wait, why didn’t I change this title before publishing this post? oh my!


The fish (again)

Hey peoples!  Sorry i haven’t posted in a long time.  I just didn’t think about it and I was kinda busy.

I’ve already told you that I am pet-sitting my uncle’s fish.  Over the first few days, my cats didn’t pay much attention to them.  That has changed A LOT!  Blacky, my oldest, fattest cat is paranoid by the fish and he is right now, as I type this, trying to find a way into the fish tank and the scratching sounds are driving me CRAZY!

And also, today is such a nice day.  Go out and have some fun.  I’m going to spend my day outside.


Questions I often ask myself

Here are some questions that I often ask myself or my friends and family.

  1. Who comes up with the names of certain characters that have crazy and unique names like Yoda from star wars and Smiegal from lord of the rings?

  2. How do people not absolutely love kittens?

  3. Where the heck is the cat?

  4. How are the fishes not dead yet?





My uncle is gone out on a boat for a month and we (we being my family) are taking care of his fish.  He has a fishtank full offish and I have two cats.  I told him that it’s probably a bad idea but someone has to take care of the fishies.  He said the he had a cover and he would duct tape it onto the tank and if one of the cats were to get the fish, he would congratulate them.  Fair enough, I thought.  The fish have been at my house for about two days and they aren’t dead yet so that’s good.  Although my tuxedo cathas taken up his place on the end-table with the fish tank.  He sleeps there sometimes.



Gone!  It’s the name of the book that I am reading currently.

◄▬Here it is!

Gone was written by Michael Grant.  Gone is written in the point of view of most characters.  It starts with a classroom full of kids.  All of a sudden, their teacher disappears.  Poof! Gone!  Actually, it’s not only their teacher that disappears,  everyone age fifteen or older disappears.  Everyone looks to Sam for help, there is a reason for this, they call him school bus Sam.  There is also a reason for Sam’s  nickname.  One year, on the bus, the bus driver had a heart attack, out of nowhere,  Sam managed to get the driver out of the seat and he took control over the bus and pulled over.  He also called 911 on the driver’s cell phone.  I can understand why everyone looks to him for advice.  But now, all of the adults and teens age fifteen or older are gone.  No one can tell anyone else what to do and bullies rule Perdido Beach.




Hey peoples!

The weekend is here, have you noticed?  Of course you have!   What do you peoples have planned for these wonderful two days?   I have no plans so far.  Probably gonna hangout with the friends, do some bloggin and probably read because I’ve recently started reading a really suspenseful book.  I’ll probably  do a whole other post about the book!  I have nothing else to say so blah blah blah words words words!


May 2nd

Today is May 2nd!  Today, we had a huge(huge is a bit of an exaggeration) snow storm. 😦 sadness about the weather.  We had the snow, the it rained and now everything is frozen and it’s foggy out.  Gross weather of gross disgustingness.  Newfoundland has really ungood  weather! What’s up with the snow storms in the middle of the spring? Grrrrrrrrr! I am a scary monster and I shall remain scary until the weather gets decent! 😦 sad face once again!



In this picture, there are many words, they all mean the same thing, hello.  I only know how to say hello in a few languages so I’ve decided to find a picture that says hello in several languages that I don’t know.  I’ll tell you the languages that I do know how to say hello in.

Hello, hi, hey……………………………English(as you may know, there are several ways to say hello in English)

Bonjour, allo, salut……………………French (There are also several ways to say hello in French)

I only know how to say hello the one way listed in the following languages.



Konishiwa…………………………..Japanese (this one has a Japanese   symbol too but I don’t know it)


If  you know how to say hello in any other languages,please tell me.  Also, the Japanese one is pronounced Ko-nee-shee-wah.



It’s May peoples!  YAY FOR MAY!!!!  Yesterday, we got a lot of snow here in St. John’s Newfoundland.  I woke up, opened the blinds and it was snowing so I closed the blinds again, rubbed my eyes and looked outside again, and it was still snowing.  Ugh!  I was so mad, I almost screamed but I didn’t because it was only 6:50 and I didn’t want to wake up everyone else.  Back to the main idea, a new month!  May is here and that means one month closer to June and the 21st of June is the first day of summer and I love summer because summer means camping, swimming, steak and other stuff that I like.

See?  May is awesome!  Look at this little guy and say he’s not cute.  Actually that wouldn’t be too hard because he’s kinda creepy too!  Oh well, who says creepy things can’t be awesome?
