Topsail beach

Yesterday, my friend and I were at Topsail beach.  We went on three hikes on the same trail however we seemed to have taken  a different path every time after we passed the big rock because I swear I saw nothing familiar except for that rock.  Well, one of the hikes didn’t really count because we were just going up in the woods to get firewood.  There were some people who had a fire in the woods and apparently it was spreading and the firemen and police officers were called.  The people who had set the fire were bribing the officers.  My friend and I were so curious and we had to get a closer look.  We found a place with some twigs that was fairly close to the officers and the people so we sat down and acted like we were picking up twigs for our fire. (because we were)  My friend hear the guys saying “I’ll give you five bucks” to the officers.  We satisfied our curiosity and got our firewood all in the same five minutes.

When we left, we noticed people all pulled over to the side of the road.  We pulled over to see what was going on.  There were two moose in the water, a mother and her calf.  I had to take some pictures and videos.  I have a lot of pictures actually.  I’ll try to get them up soon.  There is a picture of a HUMONGOUS rock with a tree growing out of it.  That was one of the best and one of the craziest days of my entire LIFE. (which isn’t really that long to tell the truth)


2 thoughts on “Topsail beach

  1. Ohhhhwhyyee so nice? Whyyyyy your topsail beach so biggg? Hmm? I can’t see it very well though, except in my imaginational inward seeing eye of introspection. Funny about that. Funny about that..indeed.

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