My new bike (again)

I got my bike on Friday.  This one actually works!  Actually, I’ve realized that it’s more of a dinosaur than a bike due to it’s size, it’s quite not-small.  I thought I would let you guys know that I got my bike, even though I’m pretty sure you don’t really care but too bad☺

That post wasn’t very long so I’ll name off some things you can do outside in the nice weather!




Going for walks




My new bike

Hey people!  Sorry I didn’t post in a while, I didn’t have any idea what to post about but now I do.  Yesterday,  I got a new bike.  I went to try it out around 2 hours after I got it and couldn’t change the gears, I could get to 2 but I couldn’t for the life of me get to the 1.  The gears were all fooled up and even my dad said the gears were hard to change!  My new bike was broken since we bought it.  However, they’re putting together a new one that I’ll pick up this afternoon.


Ice cream sandwich

About five minutes ago, I eated a neapolitan ice cream sandwich!  It was very yummy so I think you should go out and buy some of those yummy things right now.  When I said right now, I meant, after you read this .

Those neapolitan yummy things (ice cream samiches) look like the one in the picture.  By the way, a samich is a sandwich but samich is a funner word.  The pink is strawberry, the white is vanilla and the brown is chocolate.  Nothing else to say,  go buy some yummy things like neapolitan ice cream samiches!   GO NOW!!!!!!!:D



This is a pomegranate!  It is a kind of fruit, a very delicious kind of fruit.  I like pomegranates because the are yummy.

  When you cut the pomegranate, you find some of these things in the picture.  There are seeds inside of each one. Actually, there is only one seed in each one.  For all people reading this, if you haven’t tried pomegranate before, go buy a pomegranate (you can also get pomegranate already prepared and ready to eat) right now.


Topsail beach

Yesterday, my friend and I were at Topsail beach.  We went on three hikes on the same trail however we seemed to have taken  a different path every time after we passed the big rock because I swear I saw nothing familiar except for that rock.  Well, one of the hikes didn’t really count because we were just going up in the woods to get firewood.  There were some people who had a fire in the woods and apparently it was spreading and the firemen and police officers were called.  The people who had set the fire were bribing the officers.  My friend and I were so curious and we had to get a closer look.  We found a place with some twigs that was fairly close to the officers and the people so we sat down and acted like we were picking up twigs for our fire. (because we were)  My friend hear the guys saying “I’ll give you five bucks” to the officers.  We satisfied our curiosity and got our firewood all in the same five minutes.

When we left, we noticed people all pulled over to the side of the road.  We pulled over to see what was going on.  There were two moose in the water, a mother and her calf.  I had to take some pictures and videos.  I have a lot of pictures actually.  I’ll try to get them up soon.  There is a picture of a HUMONGOUS rock with a tree growing out of it.  That was one of the best and one of the craziest days of my entire LIFE. (which isn’t really that long to tell the truth)



Summer will be here in about a month.  During the summer, my friends and I like to go outside and play sports and go camping.   We play soccer, badminton,volleyball and we bike and we swim and we do other stuff too.  My friends and I are inseparable during the summer.  We love to camp. Our families go camping together during the summer.  We go swimming and we go on picnics.

It’s also important to stay hydrated while outside in the sun.  Drink a lot of water.  ALso, if you go on picnics like I do, bring healthy food.  There’s nothing wrong with bringing some cookies or something but not all cookies and soda and chips and stuff, bring fruit and veggies too.



Review: Real Steel

I watched real steel today.  Although, today was not my first time watching real steel, I have watched it once before.

Real steel is about robot fights.  It sounds nerdy but I am a nerd and the movie is awesome.  I don’t want to give away too much.  A man named Charles (goes by Charlie) gets robots and enters them in fights.  He bets a lot of moneys and when he loses the fights, he owes people a lot of cash.  People call him almost every day saying “where’s my money?” and “I’m coming for my money so you better have it!”

Charlie’s ex girlfriend dies unexpectedly and Charlie goes to court to see who gets custody of the child, him or the child’s aunt and uncle.  Charlie doesn’t want his son and he makes an agreement with the boy’s uncle, who is wealthy to take his son for the summer (his son’s aunt and uncle are going to Italy for the summer) if Marvin (the boys uncle) gives him 100k so he can get a new robot and repay whoever he owes money to.  Charlie and his son get an old robot that had a shadow-boxing feature which is if the robot watches you, he copies what you do.  The robot fights and always wins.  I won’t tell you any more than that!

Director:  Shawn Levy

Writers:  John Gatins (screenplay) and Dan Gilroy (story)

Stars:  Hugh Jackman (playing Charlie), Evangeline Lilly (playing Bailey) and Dakota Goyo (playing max, Charlie’s son)

The IMDB rating is 7.2, not bad!  I give real steel a portiasplace7!


2012 Olympics!

The summer Olympics are this year and they are in London.Who will be watching the summer Olympics?  What is your favorite summer Olympics sport?  I like archery!  I can’t wait to watch the Olympics this summer.

Some sports featured in this year’s summer Olympics are:









There are so many other sports being featured but I don’t want to ruin it for you.  Watch to find out.  Can’t wait!  I ♥ the Olympics!


And may the odds be ever in your favor!

◄▬Katniss Everdeen

I know many of you have seen it and many of you haven’t but I have seen the hunger games!  The hunger games is what this review is for, read on!

The hunger games is about twelve districts.  There is also a place called the capitol where everyone is rich and fake.  Some of the people in the capitol get their skin dyed a crazy color like green or pink or something else crazy.  Why would you get your skin dyed green? Wouldn’t it make you look like you are about to throw up?  The people from the capitol get fake eyelashes that are like 5 inches long, that would weigh down your eyelids, ouch!

Every year, they pick a boy and a girl between the ages of 12 and 18 to participate in the annual hunger games, a fight to the death on live TV.  The winner of the hunger games gets the good life.  They return to their district and live in large houses that are built for the victors.

A girl named Katniss Everdeen  has a younger sister named Primrose Everdeen.   Every year, your name is put into the bowl (from which they pick the names of the tributes).  This is Prim’s first year and she is terrified.   Katniss tries to sooth her “your name is only in there once.   There’s no way they’re gonna pick you” she says.  The time comes to pick the names.  “Primrose Everdeen” says Effie Trinket (the one who picks the names).  They chose Prim!  Katniss tries to run to her sister, the peacekeepers try to pull her away “I volunteer as tribute”, Katniss screams.  Before she and Peeta (the boy that was chosen to play in the games) leave for the capitol, they get time to see their friends and families.  Prim comes in to see Katniss, and the last time Katniss hears her sisters voice, it is saying “you must try to win.”

Director: Gary Ross

Writers: Suzanne Collins (author of the Hunger games series of books) and Gary Ross (screenplay)

Stars: Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss Everdeen), Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark) and Liam Hemsworth (Gale, Katniss’ best friend)

IMDB rates the hunger games 7.7 and I rate the Hunger games a whopping portiasplace9♥♥♥♥


                                                                                     ♥and may the odds be ever in your favor♥

movie review for the lorax

This picture may look familiar and it may not.  This is the lorax.

The lorax is about a 12 year old boy who is searching for the one thing that will win him the affection of the girl of his dreams.  The girl of his dreams is in high school actually.  The one thing that will win him her affection is a real live tree because everything in Thneedville (the place where they live) is plastic and fake.  The mayor of the town is named Aloysius (pronounced A-loo-ish-us) O’hare found a way to sell air and does not want trees in Thneedville because they give free oxygen and he will no longer make money on the bottled air that he sells.  The boy needs to find out where to get a tree and he has to go out of town to visit a man called the Once-ler.  I don’t want to give away too much for those of you who hadn’t seen it yet but the Once-ler is the one that meets the lorax.  The lorax leaves behind a stone with the word “unless” engraved into it.  That word is there to remind the Once-ler of what the lorax had said, “the word of the lorax seems perfectly clear.  Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.”

Main actors:  Zac Efron, playing the 12 year old boy, Taylor Swift, playing the girl that the 12 year old is in love with and Danny DeVito, playing the LORAX!

Directors: Chris Renaud and Kyle Balda

Writers: Ken Daurio (screenplay), Cinco Paul(screenplay) and Dr. Seuss (book)

The IMDB rating is 6.6, not too shabby.  However, I give ir a good ol’  Portiasplace7
