
The snow left me once again! So sad, I shall be terribly melancholy if we do indeed have a green Christmas.                                                                                                                                              Well, we can’t be sad forever, even if we do have a green Christmas.  Here is a list of good Christmas movies to watch during the holidays with your families!

  • A Miser brothers Christmas
  • How the Grinch stole Christmas
  • Charlie Brown Christmas special


If you know any other good Christmas movies that I have forgotten, please comment and tell me what one(s)

thank you for reading this post!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         By the way if you comment with another movie, I will ad it to either this post or I’ll make another! Please comment not only about x-mas movies, comment on other thingsIi should post about and also comment on whatever you want!

4 thoughts on “snow!

  1. Yes, most assuredly indeed, we have, without question, had a considerable amount of the good old white and fluffy. I myself am somewhat less concerned with the color of Christmas than with the relative condition of my back and arms, which are sorely put to task in clearing nature’s handiwork away.

    And yet I must confess that a brown and wet Christmas is not to be found on my wish list either. But, if one were to take time and care to look, perhaps the wish for a nice example of a snowy scene upon which to feast my eyes would be hidden somewhere amongst its many, many complex and convoluted lines.

    My suspicion is that the author of this post has elected to take the path of least resistance, or else she has forgotten the methodology employed in attaching pictures to her posts.

    But perhaps in this I am mistaken. There is always that hope.


  2. Bull–ayeee–am!

    I got your Christmas movies right here! All christmassy, all good, and all on one website! How incredibly awesome x 3 to the power of 6 multiplied by the square root of wicked is that? Well….words have not yet been invented to describe them adequately. Some say I’m prone to exaggeration. But let them say what they will, for these works of wonderment speak for themselves.

  3. I too want snow for xmas portia~! I love how beautiful it looks, and it really helps with the christmas spirit……..I get the whole shoveling thing for your uncle gordie however as we are girls we don’t need to worry about such silly things……we leave that job to the boys…..put ‘christmas vacation’ and Fred Claus on your movie list…….ta,ta! love your auntie….the cool one…, the other cool one… xoxoxoxoxo
    aunt serena

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