x-mas movies!!!!

Someone has commented with two more good Holiday movies, and I will keep my promise of adding them on another post!

They have recommended: Christmas Vacation and Fred Claus.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Also, another that I have forgotten, Elf!

Keep the comments coming, I need ideas! What do you guys want to see on this blog of awesomeness?

PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!                                                                                                        Thanks for reading!


The snow left me once again! So sad, I shall be terribly melancholy if we do indeed have a green Christmas.                                                                                                                                              Well, we can’t be sad forever, even if we do have a green Christmas.  Here is a list of good Christmas movies to watch during the holidays with your families!

  • A Miser brothers Christmas
  • How the Grinch stole Christmas
  • Charlie Brown Christmas special


If you know any other good Christmas movies that I have forgotten, please comment and tell me what one(s)

thank you for reading this post!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         By the way if you comment with another movie, I will ad it to either this post or I’ll make another! Please comment not only about x-mas movies, comment on other thingsIi should post about and also comment on whatever you want!

snow day!

Here in St. Johns Newfoundland, we have had our snow!

I have been waiting for snow for much to long and today (November 24th) I got it. Now, I can be sure that we will have a white Christmas!                                                                                Please comment and tell me if you are happy or sad or angry or whatever about the snow!

Princess Mononoke

A calm village residing in the mountains comes under attack from a demon-possessed boar one day.

Ashitaka, a young man and prince of the tribe, engages the creature in an attempt to save his village. During the battle, the boar bites him on the arm, leaving it blackened and cursed. Following his village’s traditions, Ashitaka is exiled and becomes a wanderer, looking for a solution to the curse before it engulfs him.

Iron Town is a fortress under the leadership of Lady Eboshi. Through the clearing of the surrounding forests, Iron Town produces large amounts of Ironsand, used for gunpowder and other machinery. However, because of the forests destruction, nearby animal clans seek revenge led by a human girl of the Wolf clan called San.

When Ashitaka comes to Iron Town, he discovers the area consumed in battle. Horrified, he attempts to create peace and befriend the Wolf Clan. However, after the forest’s eradication and the ongoing war between Human and Beast, will the Spirit of the Forest be forgiving and accept Ashitaka’s request to expel his curse?

Taken from:


how to make salt dough!

salt dough is like play dough!

to make salt dough you have to add an amount of salt (depending on how much dough you want!)                                                                                                                                                                  Then, you add the same amount of flour that you did salt. Next, add water,  half the amount that you added salt and flour!

For example:

1 cup of salt

1 cup of flour

half a cup of water!

you can mold your salt dough into things! if you want to keep the object that you made all you have to do is bake it for 1 hour at 200 degrees! When the object(s) are done baking, let them cool and if you like you can paint them when they are cool enough!

My Neighbor Totoro

My Neighbor Totoro (となりのトトロ Tonari no Totoro?), is a 1988 Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli.

Two young girls, Satsuke and her younger sister Mei, move into a house in the country with their father to be closer to their hospitalized mother. Satsuke and Mei discover that the nearby forest is inhabited by magical creatures called Totoros (pronounced toe-toe-ro). They soon befriend these Totoros, and have several magical adventures.


This movie, and others by this director, have that magical feel that we saw in The Labrynth.  These films are  kind of about people’s relationship with nature, and how it can be a positive healing influence in our lives.  But that is simplifying it.  So watch this movie; IT ROCKS!