
cheezies are the best!

but, only if they are “Cheetos puffs , dangerously cheesy.”

anyone reading this, stop reading now and go buy a bag of cheezies!

but, only buy the good kind listed above!

wrestling cats

I have 2 cats that wrestle alot! blacky is older and bigger! loui is small. loui never wins and blacky has come to get the nickname, blackattack! loui still can’t win! he is 1 and a half. blacky is 6.

keep visiting portiasplace10 for videos of these fights!


one thing that many people say stands for something you would never expect!

did you ever hear someone say”this rocks” or “you rock” and so on? the word “rocks” stands for…..

really outstandingly crazy kerfuffellump superness!

so now you know!

thanks for reading!