my tuxedo cat

this is blacky, he is a five year old tuxedo tom cat. He is afraid of almost everything including his own shadow, the broom, the vacuum, and every noise he has ever heard besides, someone shaking his treats!

Blacky wil do anything for treats and food!


paint and passion

paintings are one of the main things you will see on this blog. whether they are abstract, landscape or the great wall of china the possibilities are endless. the world is full of art but, people don’t notice it. the natural beauty of the planet is absolutely amazing!

Under the bridge.

Summer is here, at last.  And that is when they come out, and fish under bridges. Who knows what motivates them, or what dark thoughts drive them on. In a frenzy, they lash out against nature with their rods, gritting their teeth as their hooks catch in submerged shopping carts, or the wire of a radial tire.

Madness.  You know it must be, but you can’t turn away.  You must know what has brought them so far.

The answer does not disappoint, for it is the fabled German Reticulated Brown Tiger-Zebra Trout that they seek.  A rare and wary beast both hated and feared on the African savanna for its razor-sharp claws, co-operative hunting practices, and raids on farmers livestock.


Within my circle.

The world is big and we are small.  We can reach each other though, when we hold hands.  We can dream and share,  ponder and dare, and be happier and more fulfilled at the end of the day.  That’s where we are with this.  I am Portia, and I approve this message.

Welcome to Portiasplace10!

Blam! The world pulls us in so many different directions. We always have to choose which route will serve us best in our lives.

We here at Portiasplace10 have a deep admiration for the natural beauty of the world.  Our thoughts and ideas, and our expressions of art, will be posted here for the world to see. If you are wondering what sorts of things to expect from this blog, it may comfort you to know that we are too.  More later.  Thank-you for listening to my presentation.